When the moon is full and Spring is in the air...
We’re blessed to be making Maple Syrup for our first season on our new homestead during the ‘Maple Moon’ and wanted to share more about how we’re tapping in to this timeless Northwoods tradition
How YOU can join this sweet revival…

Tools + Materials
- Drill
- Drill bits
- Hammer
- Spiles (taps)
- Reusable Hose
- Reusable covered collection container(s) – 5 Gal Bucket
- Evaporator container – Pot / Pan
- Heating source + fuel – Firewood or a Propane Stove
- Skimmer
- Finishing Pot – 5 Gal Pot
- Thermometer
- Filter
- Funnels
- Bottles or Canning Jars
- Tape/Label + Marker
- Notebook for record-keeping
- Tree ID book: MN / WI
- Wait until the nights are below freezing and the days are above freezing
- Find trees that are at least 12″ diameter
- Ask permission from Tree, make an offering – be creative and authentic, trees respect that
- Drill a hole slightly smaller than Spile size into tree at slight upward angle ~ 2-3″ deep – only 1 to 2 taps per tree
- Insert Spile into the tree, tap gently w/ hammer
- Attach collecting container(s) or setup hose to bucket system
- Collect sap as needed & have a sweet taste, it’s incredible! Store in cold (up to 3 days) until you can process it
- Process sap in evaporation pan/pot outdoors and evaporate over heat till it thickens, skim foam as needed
- Transfer to finishing pot over more controllable heat source if needed and heat sap to no more than ~ 219 F, then it becomes syrup
- Filter as you pour into glass bottles or jars that won’t crack from heat
- Bottle, label & enjoy with your friends!
It’s really that simple…and once you tap you never go back!
About the Trees
You can tap many types of trees for sweet sap to make syrup & sugar with – BUT that being said Sugar Maple & Black Maple give some of the highest sugar content and longest yields. A good rule of thumb is about 40 gallons sap = 1 gallon syrup.
In a good season, you can expect to collect about 15 – 20 gallons of sap per tree – enough to make at least 2 quarts of Maple Syrup and maybe more!
- Sugar Maple
- Black Maple
- Norway Maple
- Red Maple
- Silver Maple
- Boxelder
- Black Walnut
- Birch