Despite the overwhelming overproduction of food across the world, food security is becoming a pressing issue for more and more folks living in urban areas due to the many links in the food supply chain.

In this episode we’ll get more into his background and story and I hope to line up a future show to get more into the details and strategies to address food security in the city on a community scale. I hope you enjoy this conversation we have together at such a time of unrest in urban communities around the world…
Casey is a friend and crucial part of the Twin Cities Permaculture community, frequently sharing many of his skills learned through work-trading (woofing) like natural building, beekeeping, or optical surveying. Casey is a relevant voice to speak to some of the inefficiencies and injustices that he’s experienced working on the front lines of so many strands of the web that is the industrial scale food system.
Casey Dahl is a Minneapolis bike commuter that works in grocery. He studied food systems and the environment at the University of Wisconsin Madison and his interests include gardening, beekeeping, landscaping, natural building, playing music and rock climbing.