Löyly + The Spirit of Sauna Culture

Löyly + The Spirit of Sauna Culture

It’s Sauna season and I thought this show might be a great introduction to the cultural traditions of Sauna from the far north of Scandinavia and it’s migration to the Upper Midwest of North America. I’ve put together a beautiful introduction to Sauna from many voices sharing their traditions, stories & folklore. Enjoy!

Philosophy of Biodynamic Farming + Rudolf Steiner

Rudolph Steiner anticipated the growth of organic farming in his opposition to chemical fertilizers. In his view, a farm should be a self-contained ecological entity. The Philosophy of Biodynamic Farming is based on Steiner’s spiritual scientific research drawn from the belief that everything that is alive is a process undergoing a constant transformation.

Natural Farming with Masanobu Fukuoka

In this episode, I put together several clips about the ‘Water Wizard’ himself, Viktor Schauberger, who has had a powerful impact on the way permaculturists, engineers, designers, and inventors work with the mysterious and powerful secrets of water and implosive water technology…if this episode inspires anything of you at all, I hope you consider doing as Viktor would do – get outside, be still & enjoy the water…