Learn about growing a holistic orchard that is beyond-organic…

In this episode we are honoring the work & life of Michael Phillips, the ‘beyond-organic’ holistic orchardist, teacher, writer & consultant, who recently passed away. The audio in this episode is from the “Successful Biological Orcharding” workshop Michael facilitated in an organic apple orchard grown by Pat Tompkins.
There is much wisdom to learn from Michael’s lifelong legacy connecting with the biological world. To support Michael’s work and his family, visit their memorial page here > Thank you! We hope you enjoy the nutrient-dense biological wisdom Michael has to share!
In this episode:

As above, so below. As below, so above. A diverse plant community bound by an array of mycorrhizal fungal species will form a ‘common root being’ throughout the orchard. The trees produce healthy fruit in accord with how we revere this sacred soil partnership.
Michael Phillips

Growing ‘organic’ has always been a given. Understanding how Nature does health fascinates me to no end. Working with biology and nutrition produces flavorful apples that are good for us. Compare that to the visually-pleasing orbs produced by toxic chemistry. That I choose not to certify our farm as organic with the USDA makes for good discussion over a glass of cider. Check out my network grower profile to better understand what a holistic orchardist does to bless up this earth.
Michael Phillips

People know in their hearts that our food can be good for us. That how that food is grown matters. That the people growing that food need to be supported. That local is indeed the answer.
Michael Phillips
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