Juliette de Bairacli Levy was an herbalist, author, and breeder of Afghan hounds, friend of the Gypsies, traveler in search of herbal wisdom and the pioneer of holistic veterinary medicine. For more than sixty years she lived with the Gypsies, nomads and peasants of the world, learning the healing arts of these peoples who live close to nature and listening to nature herself. Her books include “Traveler’s Joy”, “Nature’s Children”, “Common Herbs for Natural Health”, “The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat”, “The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable”, and “Spanish Mountain Life” among others.

“When animals are raised the Nature Method way then they are seldom sick. And when they are sick, fasting and herbs are the paths to their regained health. Animals instinctively know that plants are their best medicine. I have found that animals can be some of the best herbal teachers.” — Juliette de Bairacli Levy

Levy’s basic rules of natural rearing for dogs require:
- a correct natural diet of raw foods;
- abundant sunlight and fresh air;
- at least two hours of exercise daily, including plenty of running exercise outside any kennel enclosures;
- hygienic kenneling, with the use of earth, grass, or gravel runs, never concrete; and
- herbs, fasting, and other natural methods in place of vaccinations and conventional symptom-suppressing drugs.

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