Viktor Schauberger has had a powerful impact on the way permaculturists, engineers, designers, and inventors work with the mysterious and powerful secrets of water and implosive water technology…if this episode inspires anything of you at all, I hope you consider doing as Viktor would do – get outside, be still & enjoy the water…

In this episode, we explore the ‘Water Wizard’ himself, Viktor Schauberger…
About this show:
- 01:05 – 03:15: Implosion vs Explosion Technology
- 03:15 – 01:15:10: The Secrets of Water
- 01:15:11 – 01:16:44: The Golden Plow
- 01:16:44 – 02:07:50: The Extraordinary Nature of Water
- 02:07:51 – 02:45:15: Nature was my Teacher

Viktor Schauberger is considered ‘water wizard’ and called by some the ‘Tesla of Water’. His ideas were also a leading inspiration for the concepts and principles of Permaculture. In this show I share some audio clips from different videos and interviews about his work and philosophy. Viktor’s ideas and concepts have extended far into agriculture, municipal water supply, cities, horticulture and even application at home. Because of that, his unique approach has also been an incredible influence on our own relationship with Nature…
Free Download of his book, Living Water