P.A. Yeomans work had a very strong influence on the concepts of Permaculture design…One of his main approaches, referred to as Keyline design, details the principles, techniques and systems for ecological development of rural and urban landscapes. Keyline methods enable the rapid development of deep biologically fertile soil by converting subsoil into living topsoil.

Keyline pattern cultivation enables the rapid flood irrigation of undulating land without terracing. Incidental results are the healing of soil erosion, bio-adsorption of salinity and the long term storage of atmospheric carbon in the soil as humus. The Keyline Scale of Permanence provides a priority guide to planning the various factors of broad scale development. I hope you enjoy some of these classic documentary videos & interviews about this regenerative approach to land management.

Percival Alfred Yeomans was an Australian inventor known for the Keyline system for the development of land and increasing the fertility of that land. As a mining engineer and gold assayer, Yeomans had developed a keen sense of hydrology and equipment design. He developed improved methods and equipment for cultivation.

“No artist or artisan ever has such broad control of the medium through which he expresses his own character and personality as does the farmer or grazier in the control he can exercise over his land. The landman can create his own landscape, but the artist gives only his impression of it …” — P.A. Yeomans

Free Download of his book, The Keyline Plan

2 thoughts on “Keyline Design + P.A. Yeomans”
Thanks for all the knowledge! 🙂
Thank you Mr Yeoman and all whom sailed in him! I look forward to gaining some of his greater understanding for my locality’s sake.