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Regenerative Diet + Dr. Weston A. Price

The research and findings of Weston A. Price and his work detail not so much a ‘diet’ but more of a regenerative pattern that adapts across the world to harmonize people and place to their own unique bioregional context. The patterns underneath the diet are the true understanding – vitamins, minerals, fat and nutrient-density which have been eroding from the global industrial food system for quite some time – the true health and vitality that is increasingly lacking from modern society. Because of this reason and many others, I have yet to find an approach to nourishing ourselves that is as simple, timeless, and so closely integrated with Nature as the approach that Dr. Weston A. Price has helped shed some light on. An approach that is as old as time and without which, we wouldn’t be alive today…

Health is the topic of much conversation and controversy these days, but unfortunately diet doesn’t seem to get as much attention as viruses, shots & germs… 

Food is our medicine which we consume several times a day and unfortunately there is so much conflict of opinion of the ‘one right way’ to do it. I’m not here to add my ‘one right way’ diet to that noise, but I am here to share about someone who has focused on the patterns beneath the surface.

Enjoy this podcast episode exploring these ideas more…

There is a ‘new and improved’ diet just about every day of the week, but this approach is one that stands the test of time. Now more than ever we need to focus on regeneration of our health AND our earth. Despite what you may hear from many mainstream sources, farming with animals, eating nutrient-dense foods and working WITH nature is part of the solution.

Dr. Weston A. Price was a Canadian born dentist known primarily for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. He was the founder of the National Dental Association, a research section of the American Dental Association (ADA). He is most well known for his 1939 book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, detailing his global travels studying the diets and nutrition of various cultures.

“In my studies, I find that it is not accident but accumulated wisdom regarding food that lies behind their physical excellence and freedom from our modern degenerative processes, and, further, that on various sides of our world the primitive people know many of the things that are essential for life—things that our modern civilizations apparently do not know. These are the fundamental truths of life that have put them in harmony with Mother Nature through obeying her nutritional laws.”

Price collected some 15,000 photographs, 4,000 slides, and numerous filmstrips. He also took copious notes about indigenous diets, analyzing the nutritional value of native food based on what was known about vitamins and nutrition at the time. Price concluded that America’s health crisis had more likely been brought on by the introduction of processed foods. Price argued that when traditional communities abandoned indigenous diets and adopted Western patterns of eating, they began to suffer from typical Western diseases. He concluded that Western methods of commercially preparing and storing foods stripped away vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health…

Free Download of his book

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